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111213 / Photography: Nicholas Xav. Low | Assistants: Chris Lim, Huang QX | Logistics: Kelly Lim, Per JW | Art Direction: Nicholas Xav. Low | Stylist: Nicholas Xav. Low | Makeup: Jescinda Teo | Model: Jescinda Teo

This is the first time I'm doing this behind the scenes thing. The reason I chose to do this is because a lot of people don't quite understand me or my works. And I'm not very good with words so why not give yall a sneak peek into my mind/world through my sketches.


I sketch out every photoshoot I do. Usually the concepts come from either an image I saw, lyrics I heard, or quotes I read or life experiences. I draw inspiration from everywhere. And not everything clicks but when it does I know it. Then I go into the brainstorming process whereby I define what the words mean to me personally, and what colors I associate the theme with. And then naturally images will start popping up in my head. And they evolve and change as I dwell longer on the topic.


So for THE EXORCISM, it started when I heard this sentence "We are all tragically wounded by our own demons we can't escape". in a show. And I resonated with it. 2013 has been a pretty tough year. And maybe that's why the shoots from '13 are darker in their meaning... (or maybe I'm just dark..) My close friends (whom I whine and complain and emo to) would vouch for that! (thanks guys for the support!) I was struggling in 2013. Like I was battling many demons all at once. And really by the grace and deliverance of God, I feel liberated now. There isn't so much to fear now... So this series is really how I would document those pain and struggles.




Shoot day was craazzzzzy. Location for the shoot is secret! All I can say is the place is damn dusty and infested with mosquitoes! Sorry and thank you to my crew who have all offered their blood to the mosquitoes! First time working with so many close friends on one set! It's really fun! :)

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© 2013-2020 by Nicholas Xav. Low

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